I've finally spotted the first flowers: a tiny patch of violets in the park behind our flat. So spring seems to be getting here at last! I've been waiting very impatiently, spinning spring yarns in order to attract that wonderful season and today I had coffee outside for the first time this year. It was great, and I also got some knitting done - but I have to keep this a secret for now, since the object will be a birthday present and I am not sure whether the person in question reads this blog...
We've been quite busy lately, but - sadly - not yarn-wise, but in our life "beyond yarn". Only during the last days we have finally got around to some serious spinning, a few results of which can already be seen and purchased in our shop.
I, for one, have rediscovered thread-plying once again. I hadn't done that for quite some time and now I can't get enough. I am very partial to alpaca fibre at the moment, which is great for said technique - so you might see a great deal t of wavy alpaca yarns in the near future :-) (Two have already been uploaded)
I've also purchased some spring yarn stuff, for further celebrating my favourite season.
And finally, I have been reminded of our shop anniversary. I had been looking forward to that for a while now, and obviously I forgot all about it. Not until I saw this posting on Authentic Fiction today did I realize that we've been on etsy for more than a year. Happy Birthday to us - kind of ;-) We've registered on March 3rd, had trouble registering our credit card (being from Germany doesn't make that easy!) and finally opened the shop on (I think) March 23rd. We sold our first yarn on Arpil 6th, so maybe we should at least celebrate that :-)
I do hope we will be able to spin a lot more, now - I for my part really missed it!