I had wanted to write so many things - for instance, a posting about my new-found love for amigurumi and photos of what I've done so far, photos of my batshawl (in progress), more glow in the dark yarns and a cowl I'm knitting from my "Dark Side" art yarn - but I have had little time during the last few weeks. I have a very good excuse, though ;-) I will be getting married next friday/saturday (friday will be the official registry office stuff, saturday will be an outdoor ceremony and the wedding party with family and friends - I'm so excited! :-)) and I had got my hands full with lots of organising and, of course, "normal" every day life, which included finishing some papers for University, working at the excavation and looking for a new job since the dig is over now. We'll be going to Ireland for our honeymoon directly after the wedding, so I won't be able to blog for a couple of weeks. Just so you know - I'll be back and I'll definitely show you my knitted glow in the dark garlic then! ;-)
Take care!