
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More Yarn Graffiti

The past week has been pretty eventful, my husband and I went on some trips and I took some graffiti with me, of course ;-)

First, we went to Lake Chiemsee to visit my dad and his girlfriend and to see some friends, then we returned home for a few days of board games with my sister-in-law and then we went to a hotel in Mühlheim (a veeery small town at the river Moselle) for a few days, which was a wedding present we finally took the time to enjoy :-) On our way back home we decided to surprise the family and I was very pleased to be able to decorate the garden fence of my parents-in-law (without them seeing me do it, of course).

My first mushrooms, which I already knitted while we had our end-of-year vacation, are now graffiti, as you will see in some of the next photos.
I have since knitted two more (one pink and black, one red and white), but I still need to finish the pieces to hold them before they can become graffiti.

I fixed this mushroom to the back of a bench on the Herreninsel, an island in the Chiemsee we went to by boat. We had a wonderful day and the weather was fantastic: frosty and sunny. It was a good thing we went that day since the snow started melting the next day and it also rained heavily then. Time for board games :-)
Sadly, the only (?) café on the island was closed and the cake we bought at a temporary café tent wasn't too good, but we had a good time nonetheless.

I knitted this one while on the boat to the Herreninsel and at my dad's girlfriend's later that day. When we met some friends a couple of days later and went on a long walk near the lake, I jumped at the opportunity to fix it to something - and it even goes well with the colours of that telescope ;-)

I wonder whether my parents-in-law have discovered this yet. They were the ones to give me the yarn graffiti book (Yarn Bombing) for Christmas, without really knowing what it was about, so I thought they really needed to see some yarn graffiti at close range ;-)
When I fixed this to the fence, it was snowing and raining, really disgusting, but the snow looks nice on the mushroom, don't you think?

Punk Rock Fairy Transformed

A while ago, Liz - a fellow Etsian who makes amazing neck pieces from yarn (and other things) - bought my Punk Rock Fairy, one of the art yarns I spun during the Tour de Fleece. A very short time later she kindly provided me with pictures of what she had made from it and allowed me to show them to you, our much appreciated readers :-)

The Punk Rock Fairy has been
transformed into a gorgeous
set of three
which Liz named
The Handyman:
A neckpiece, a pair of earrings,
and a pair of half gloves.

I really like all the extra screw nuts and metal discs :-)

If you're interested, be quick and visit Ginkocreation!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year!

Yeah, I know - it's not that new anymore, but I do wish you a wonderful 2010! :-)
Twisted and I have been quite busy on our little end-of-year vacation: we've knitted quite a few graffiti and put some of them up in the small town we were staying in. I really need to get the other photos, I have only one to show you right now. As you can see, we've also decided on a name for our small crew of two. We're currently thinking about a fanpage or group on facebook and a (very small) page with a bit about us; a link to the gallery or flickr group where we'll be posting our photos; and links to other yarn graffiti artists. But no rush, we're also back to work/studying and have to balance everything again.

Inspired by the book Yarn Bombing (already mentioned) I've come up with a pattern for mushrooms, which I've sewn/crocheted onto some tags. I will try to put them onto the back rest of a park bench - and show some photos, once I'm done.