
Friday, January 24, 2014

Eleven. Doctor Who Inspired Yarns and Mitts

I wrote about shrinking TARDISes a while back, and the plan to spin an art yarn inspired by Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor. My customer decided against a yarn full of TARDISes and asked me to incorporate charms relating to the eleventh Doctor and London/England in general, and only one TARDIS.

I did both, as I was so curious myself how the yarn would turn out and how the TARDISes would look in it that I spun an all-TARDIS yarn before all the charms arrived for the custom order. Here are both of them:

Raggedy Doctor


This one contains one shrinky dink TARDIS, and one of each of the following charms: Cowboy hat, cup of tea, teabag, apple, Union Jack, double decker bus, Big Ben, vampire teeth, soccer bead, snowflake, whale, angel wing.

Now look what my customer Jane made from the second yarn: Eleventh Doctor Mitts!

Aren't they wonderful? Thank you for sharing these pictures, Jane! :-)