After having hardly ever touched a spindle for about a year (to be precise: since I got my spinning wheels ;-)) I take -again- great pleasure in spinning outside or in my favourite café. As mentioned, I took the Adamantium batt with me today - and here you can witness some work in progress:
We (that is to say: my fiancée and I) spend the afternoon in Ladenburg, a pretty (and partly medieval) town near Heidelberg, and we had coffee at the river Neckar. I abstained from eating cake and took out batt and spindle instead.
I might start taking photos whenever spinning outside (or anywhere but at home, for that matter) and showing them here - I kind of like the idea of a spinning gallery with different backgrounds ;-)
The yarn looks great, I think - though a bit too furry for metal, strictly speaking. But I am somewhat limited there, seeing that I want to make yarn *g* The batt consists of grey alpaca, grey bamboo, a small amount of pale blue silk (hand dyed) and lots of aluminium and steel angelina. It is wonderfully soft and noble.