
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Pumpkin Bag

I've already written about the pumpkin yarn I wanted to turn into a bag. Well - I'm done :-) And I want to show you some more photos of different stages of the process, and, of course, of the finished bag.

...the batts...

...the felted pumpkins I spun into the yarn...

...the yarn - one of the most gorgeous I ever spun, I think...

...the bag :-) I put a parcel into it in order to be able to take a better picture. Measurements are 25x18x5 cm

Except for the knot pattern on the flap, I designed the whole thing myself. I am quite proud since I used to be quite a bad knitter and I see I've learned quite a bit by now and getting better all the time :-) I am also very glad I didn't run out of yarn since it was all a lot of guesswork and there isn't much left, indeed.
The knot pattern is from the German version of Viking Patterns for Knitting: Inspiration and Projects for Today's Knitter by Elsebeth Lavold

Maybe it will be necessary to line the bag since it is a little wobbly and it will stretch quite a bit when I put something in it.


  1. was auch möglich ist, wenn es zu sehr floppy ist, zu filzen, aber ja nicht in der waschmaschine. ich meine eher "anfilzen, sanft eingerollt in feuchtem baumwolltuch. und rollen. sanft.
    das es gerade ein wenig filzt. es wäre ja schade wenn es zusehr ausdehnt, nicht wahr?. oder was reinnähen, da habe ich null erfahrung.
    gruss, ri

  2. ja, ich habe auch schon überlegt, sie anzufilzen, aber irgendwie mag ich auch das Strickbild so, wie es ist... Ich denke, ich werde mich einfach mal gequält an die Nähmaschine setzen und ein Futter nähen, ist ja nun auch nicht sooo aufwändig (aber macht auch nicht viel Spaß). Ich liebe die Tasche jedenfalls genug, um mir in den Hintern zu treten *g*

    Liebe Grüße,

  3. finally got around to using the halloween yarn I bought! I used the black with a worsted weight solid black to make this super long cowl for my halloween sister, born on October 29th - it is her favorite holiday! She wanted a circle scarf (super long cowl) and that is what she is getting!
