
Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Scarf of HoRRoR

I've already mentioned it and been asked to show it - now I will. And I will tell you the story behind it, too ;-)

Once upon a time, there were two best friends who were both going to be married - not to each other, but to the most wonderful men in the universe ;-) The four of them really fancied learning how to dance so they could stun everyone at their respective wedding, and as luck would have it, they were friends with a dancer/dancing teacher. He was willing to teach them and spent many hours with the two happy couples, correcting their every move and suggesting impressive dance patterns.

Instead of payment, the two women - who were very talented at fibre arts - offered a handmade item of the dancing teacher's choice. Being allergic to wool he requested a silk scarf and he also decided on a cable pattern .

One of the fibre artists dyed some wonderful silk, the other one spun it into more than 800 m of very fine yarn - and here's where the horror began. The yarn should have been of sport weight or fingering weight (14-16 wpi), but silk tends to become thinner than you'd like when spun up, even when you're very skilled. So the young and talented artists ended up with very fine lace yarn of about 30 wpi. Extremely beautiful - and very time-consuming to knit, especially when combined with a cable pattern. The knitting artist has managed 46cm of scarf so far.

It's stunningly beautiful and feels gorgeous, but the extrapolation is 75 hours of knitting time. Now, if there's a person who deserves this scarf it is definitely our dancing teacher - we were all magnificent when performing our respective wedding dance. But that doesn't mean the knitter has to love the project, right? She really wants it to be done.

btw, have I mentioned my husband and I chose House of Fire by Alice Cooper as song for our wedding dance? You'd think our guests might have guessed we weren't going to choose a traditional waltz, but they did sound surprised - it was great fun :-D


  1. Nö, nicht surprised, passt zu euch, mir würde auch eher sowas vorschweben :D
    Ich finde die Farbe von dem schal ganz phantastisch! Das Muster ist auch schön, nur das der Schal an den Rändern dünner ist als in der Mitte, gefällt mir weniger.
    Aber die Farbe...
    Ich hoffe für dich, der letzte Rest geht nun schnell!


  2. lovely scarf, must admit I prefer more vintage Cooper :-) that said we do have every album/cd and saw him on the nightmare returns tour and the brutal planet tour :-)

  3. @FibrePiratess: DU vielleicht nicht ;-) Es gab aber realtiv viel Geraune und Gekichere im Publikum als das Lied losging, insofern denke ich, dass genügend Leute doch nicht mit sowas gerechnet hatten. Oder sie haben sich einfach gefreut, ist natürlich auch möglich *g*

    Die Ränder sind eigentlich nicht dünner, der Mittelteil wölbt sich nur etwas, weil glatt rechts gestricktes sich ja immer ein bisschen einrollt. Ich hoffe, dass sich das nach dem Waschen und Blocken gibt...
    *ähem* "der letzte Rest" sind noch mehr als 2/3...

    @Guzzisue: I have never seen him live, that must have been something!

  4. wow this is a pure labour of love beautiful colour too

  5. Ähm, habt ihr das nun fertig gestrickt, obwohl es en "ugh" ist, oder (doch hoffentlich nicht) gefroscht?

  6. Neee, fertig ist das noch lange nicht. Aber gefroscht wird es auf keinen Fall! Ich brauch nur noch ein halbes Jahrhundert, aber ich mach's fertig! Das hat der gute Mann einfach verdient :-)
