
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Playing Around with a Tweedy Look

I had a little time for carding last week, and I decided to try carding batts for yarns with a tweedy look. Now, strictly speaking, a tweed yarn is a two-ply, but I usually prefer singles. I looked up what else defines a tweed yarn, but that seems to differ (depending on the source of the information), so I just went for what I think of as a tweedy look and I carded and spun up two batts:

Autumn Tweed

Midnight Tweed

I forgot to take a photo of the batt :-/

I really like the texture of the yarns. I chose very soft, grey alpaca and black, rather more rough Icelandic wool, as well as merino wool to provide colour. I love the mixture of rough and soft wool/fibre and the mottled look. Both yarns contain sparkly fibre as well.


  1. when I saw the first batt I thought: nah, not my colours... but spun up it looks really nice! which fibres did you use? I think I'd like grey-purple as well - maybe because I could do with some more colour (I am spinning black and grey alpaca top together just now....)

  2. I used grey alpaca, black Icelandic wool, hand dyed firestar of a great rust colour, and merino of rust and yellow.

    I thought the batt looked a little too much like the German flag, but fortunately the yarn doesn't ;-)

    Grey-purple sounds great, too!
