
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Coffee House

I finished another Year End Spinning Challenge yarn yesterday evening. I thought about naming it "Victorian Coffee Table", but right now I think "Coffee House" is a better option. It might be "The Grand Café" in the end (the building hosting the first coffee house in England - which I've just found out on Wikipedia ;-)), or something completely different. But it's good to know that there ARE so many options, since I like the colour combo and might want to spin some more coffee related yarns ;-)

I have also carded two batts, one of which I will spin into a yarn for my Ocean Shawl. So, hopefully there will be more yarn pictures soon :-)


  1. Wow, wie immer wunderschön. Mit was für einem Spinnrad arbeitest Du?


  2. Love that yarn!! I would definitely go with the Victorian name - of course, I love Victorian things, but it does remind me of something very old-fashioned.

  3. Huhu Mimi, die meisten Garne spinne ich auf einem Kromski Sonata. Ich habe auch ein Ashford Traditional, das ich ebenfalls sehr liebe. Da müsste ich nur vor der nächsten Inbetriebnahme was instandsetzen, deswegen verzögert sich das immer wieder... ;-)

    Hi MagdaleneJewels, I like the Victorian name, too, but I don't want to overdo it - I have another yarn which will have "Victorian" in it. But I'm still thinking about it :-)
