
Monday, June 21, 2010

Tour de Hat? Hat de Fleece? Whatever - Gorgeous Hat made from Art Yarn ;-)

We really love to see what other people make from our yarns, as we can hardly emphasize often enough ;-) Today, we're very happy to show you another wonderful item!

Kat, who had already sent pictures of what she made from our blog giveaway yarn, has made a gorgeous hat from the yarn I spun for the Tour de Fleece on Day 4. She has sent pictures of her daughter wearing it, and has kindly allowed us to share them with you - so here they are:

Thank you so much, Kat! And please thank your daughter for us, too.

This was the skein of yarn the hat was made from, by the way:

If any of you want to show the world what you have made from our yarns, please send your photos to info123 @ (after removing the numbers and blanks), and we will be very happy to blog them! Please state the name you'd like us to mention in the blog post, and if you have a website, ravelry page, blog or shop, please let us know so we can link back to you :-)

1 comment:

  1. Nice idea! I am sure this hat would not look good on me, but for that girl it is very cute :)
