
Sunday, August 8, 2010


I am very relieved and happy: I am now finally able to use my spinning wheel again, after nearly two months of abstinence due to injury. It feels good to be back at the wheel and to spin art yarns again, which I wouldn't want to do on a drop spindle anymore.
Here is my latest creation:

It's made from hand dyed wool/silk blend, spun with lots of texture, and I've spun in textile flowers and leaves, as well as different kinds of glass beads.

Oh my, I am happy :-)


  1. BEAUTIFUL! You never cease to amaze me. I recognize that pansy, too.

  2. Schöne herbstliche Farben, mag ich sehr :)
    Zwei Monate... wahnsinn, das ist echt lange.

  3. Thanks, you two!
    These are the last of the pansies, I'll have to use different flowers in the future. Fortunately I've got quite a selection by now ;-)
